Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Trying Tryathlon - Thursday 26th February

Today we competed in the Year 3/4 Tryathlon.  First we rode our speedy bikes twice around the field.  We quickly jumped off and the senior children helped us take our helmets off and they parked the bikes for us.  We then took off on the racy run around the turf and junior classes and then we needed to find our bag of clothes to transition for the swim.  When we had whipped off our t-shirts and shoes and socks we took off round past Room 21 for the swimming pool.  We walked our way to the deeper end and got our way down to the shallow end - anyway we possibly could.  Once we were out of the pool we raced to the finish through Room 19 and then collected our bags = PHEW we are tryathlon experts now!!!!
Our thoughts
I was really nervous when I was starting to run - Keaira
I had butterflies in my tummy - Poppy
I zoomed past lots of people on my bike - Riley
There were so many great bikers - Charlotte Todd
I felt really excited when we were starting - Hayden
I was excited when the bike race arrived for us - Jesse
I was pleased that I didn't fall off my bike - Eden
I was happy that I carried on, even though I lost my shoe on the bike ride - Brooke
I had such a fun time today - Makenzie
I was nervous when we were about to start because last year I felt I couldn't go that fast on the grass - Tarin
I was nervous but excited when I got to start biking - Eve
It was so fun I wanted to do it again - Elizabeth
I nearly got hit by a flying acorn on the bike part - Sven
I was really excited to be running today - Aakifah
I was really puffed out after all of it - Amelia
I nearly had a heartattack because I was so fast in the biking and running as people were cheering me on - Tanner
It was so fun - I didn't want it to end - Evie
I was really happy that I led the biking - Benny
When I got in the pool I realised my heart was pounding that I had trouble breathing - Harper
My legs were numb and wobbly when I started the running - Daniel
I was a relief that the pool was actually warm - Alannah
At the end after all that hard work, I was proud of myself - Charlotte Todd
At the running, I jogged at first and then when the finish was close I sprinted - Tiaan
When we finished the Tryathlon I was so tired I didn't want to let go of my Mum - Ashley
I was huffing and puffing when I went past lots of other children - Emma

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Last night Tanner and Piper went with their family to the Summertime play PETER PAN.
They were lucky enough to get a photo with Peter and Wendy.  Peter is actually called Ben Ashby and is a certain Year 3 teacher's nephew.
Tanner highly recommends you going along.  The play is on at Riccarton bush each night at 7:00 and in the weekend at 2:00 as well as 7:00.  The play runs until Sunday 22nd February.


Tomorrow Room 20 will be swimming at aquagym with Room 19.  We will leave school at 12:00 and our lesson will be from 12:30 - 1:00.  The change is to accommodate the senior children who have Hagley Sport on a Friday afternoon and need to swim earlier in the morning.
Thanks for your understanding.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Our first day at Aquagym

We had a fantastic day today at Aquagym.  Below are a few snaps from today.
Let's hope you all remember the group you were in for tomorrow's lesson.


Saturday, 14 February 2015

Peter Pan - Summertime Theatre at Riccarton House.

Today my family and I went along to Riccarton House and watched Peter Pan.  It was such a fantastic show - we all loved it.  It is running until the 22nd February in Riccarton Bush.  Wednesday - Sunday 7pm and 2pm weekends.  The great thing is the actors are amazing, you can take a picnic and it is free of charge.
I encourage you all to go if you have a spare couple of hours.


Yipee - this week REMEMBER to bring your TOGS everyday as we are off to AQUAGYM.  Don't forget to bring some goggles if you have them at home.

We leave school at 11:00 on the bus.  Our swimming lesson time is 11:30 - 12:00.  We will be back at school in time for lunch - Perfect for swimmers hungry tummies!

Friday, 13 February 2015

Jump Jam Fridays!

Well done to Amelia for being chosen to be a Jump Jam leader for this term.  You did a fantastic job leading the dances for the whole school this morning.
Amelia is on the left up on the stage.

Room 20 Cricket Stars.

Congratulations Tanner and Eden on making it into the Girl's Cricket B team.  We think it is really neat for Year 4 children

to be able to try out for teams and activities this year.  Well done girls.
The cricket A and B teams played each other on Friday and we went out to support the girls when they were batting.  Top effort Girls! We all loved that you were both smiling and having fun for the whole game.

Our Swimming Goals

This week Room 20 is off to Aquagym.  We decided to set ourselves a goal to work on over the week.  We will reflect on these goals after the week of swimming.  Emma was away today when we wrote our goals - we will include her one on Monday.

Happy Birthday Eve!

A huge Happy Birthday to Eve.  We enjoyed sharing your special day with you and we know you would have had heaps of fun with your friends at your party.

Charlotte Todd's Butterfly

This week Charlotte bought in her chrysalis as it was very black and ready to hatch.  She has a number of chrysalis at home but has missed most of them hatching.
Just as the class were about to head to their working space and write, Charlotte noticed the butterfly was starting to hatch.  With great excitement we saw it hatching and then once the wings had dried, Charlotte and Poppy took the butterfly outside to fly free.

Thanks for letting us share this fantastic moment Charlotte! 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Happy 8th Birthday Brooke!

Happy Birthday Brooke!  We all enjoyed hearing about your birthday today and loved singing you Happy Birthday.  We are pleased you had such a happy day.

Monday, 2 February 2015


I thought it would be helpful to list some keys dates for you to remember for this term.

Week 3 Aquagym week
Week 3 Learning Information Evening - Monday 6:30
Week 5 Thursday 5th March Year 4-6 Swimming Sports
Week 6 Wednesday 11th March Year 4 BDO to Spencer Park (Provisonal date)

The Year 4 camp is being held at Living Springs in Term 4, Week 2.  More information will be given out later in the term/year.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Our first day together!

Wow what a fantastic group we have in Room 20! We all thought the day flew by and we all had wonderful, positive comments to say about our first day inYear 4 at relection time at the end of the day.

We began the day with a whole school powhiri.  After morning tea we sorted out where we wanted to sit and work for the first couple of weeks, we labelled our books and played a cool scavenger hunt.  This was fun as we had to talk to all different friends in the class to find out answers.


After lunch we met our Buddy Class - this year we have Room 5 and we are the Big Buddies - Yipee!!!
The whole school is making a community circle mosaic.  Each child got a quarter of a circle and we could colour our circle in any way we wanted.  Most of us included our name on our quarter.  All of the pieces will be put together to make one big community mosiac that represents the children at our school.

And here we all are......