Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Art Fun with Room 3!

This term Room's 20 and 3 are working collaboratively to make paper mache piggy banks. We have just started the long process of layer upon layer of newspaper over the balloons. This may take up to two weeks to finish this part!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Special Visitor today!

This morning we were lucky to join up with Room 19 to meet an ex All Black. Jessie Holland's Dad is cousins with Steven Donald. Steven Donald played in the 2011 Rugby World Cup Final. He kicked the winning goal that secured the win. It was very exciting to ask questions and hear Steven talk about who inspired him, what he was thinking when he kicked the famous kick and also to get his autograph. Thanks Room 19 for letting us join in.

Poetry Competition

Today we held our class poetry competition. I would like to congratulate the children who spent time learning their poem by memory and organised themselves so they felt confident and ready to recite their poem today.
A special congratulations to our three finalists - Eve, Amelia and Keaira, who are in the Year 3/4 final on Thursday afternoon in the school hall. Well done! Hayden is our trusty backup incase one of the finalists is not there on the day.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Friday Spooky treats!

On Friday we were treated to some delicious cupcakes. Thanks Lauren and Tanner for your very kind Halloween treat - we loved them!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Athletics Day tomorrow!

A quick reminder we have the second part of Athletics Day tomorrow. Children are to wear House Colours. We begin the rotations at 10:30 and we finish athletics at 12:30.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


We had such an amazing time on our Year 4 camp to Living Springs last week. We are about to make our own i-movies in class. We will be sharing photos on photo stream. This link will help us to do this. - this is the first link

Sunday, 18 October 2015


Wahoo - Room 20 you are stars! Today our whole class not only ALL had a hat on, but they were all the correct school colour! Keep up the awesome work - I am really proud of you all!

Monday, 12 October 2015

Term 4 is here!

Welcome back to a fun and exciting term ahead. We began the new term with a whole school powhiri to welcome new students and families to our school. What a beautiful sunny morning for us to all be outside together.

I hope you all received the class newsletter that went home today. Please see me if you need another copy. 

Friday, 25 September 2015


All the hard work and practice after practice certainly paid off! This week we were showbiz stars on the stage.
We have all decided that the whole experience has been amazing. We certainly focused on the ARTS this term and are all very proud of ourselves! Mrs Allen is soooo proud of us all!
If you have any photos of the showcase we would love to see them.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Science Experiment - Thanks Little Kitchen

We have been writing and following instructions. New World Little Kitchen sent us a pack to explore some science ideas and make some delicious Marshmallow Balls.
Check out our movie.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Another busy day in Room 20!

It was all go again today in our room. We were super busy cutting scales, leaves and creating our costumes for our showcase at the end of the term. Our class is really enjoying working with Room 3 and mixing up our learning space so we can create our costumes! We really appreciate all the fabulous parents who are coming in and helping us in all sorts of different ways - in the classroom, sewing at home and collecting and providing materials. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Future Ferns - Charlotte and Emma!

Last Friday Charlotte Todd and Emma were lucky enough to meet Irene Van Dyke at the netball courts and had their photo taken with her. The girls have really enjoyed playing netball during the winter months for St Nicholas club.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Bake Sale Amazingness!

Wow - What an outstanding effort from all of the Year 4 children! I was so super impressed with your baking efforts, your organisation and your selling brilliance. You have all made yourselves proud today by your efforts to raise funds for your school camp to Living Springs - Well Done.
We had so much fun counting ALL the money after morning tea today - we reckon we raised $1,436.50. We wonder what the other classes counted?